King Biscuit Blues Festival

Hammons and Associates has had a long-term relationship with Helena, Arkansas’ King Biscuit Blues Festival.  The “Biscuit,” as it is known to blues fans around the world, is an annual multi-day event that attracts more than 100,000 people. It has an annual operating budget of more than $800,000, and utilizes more than 400 volunteers in support of the paid staff.

H&A works closely with the executive director to develop the collateral material used each year to raise funds for the event. H&A is also responsible for the design and placement of all advertising, webpage design and maintenance.

For a period of five years, the festival lost the rights to its name. But in 2010, H&A successfully negotiated a long-term license with Wolfgang’s Vault that allowed the Arkansas Blues and Heritage Festival to regain its rightful name for their 25th Anniversary event.



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